CPI and LSCI on Conflict in the Classroom  

August 22, 2014
Colored pencils next to a stack of books.

What's one way to manage problem behavior in your school?
Create an emotionally safe environment, says CPI’s Senior Training Advisor, Dr. Randy Boardman, Ed.D. The one aspect of teaching you have the most control over is your own classroom climate and how each and every student feels each and every day, Randy says.
This is important because students with behavior issues often escalate when they feel emotionally unsafe. Whether they're struggling with abuse, neglect, bullying, hunger, or something else, they can become anxious, aggressive, defensive, or withdrawn as a way of protecting themselves from people or places they perceive as threatening.
In the new seventh edition of the classic book Conflict in the Classroom, Randy, Dr. Nicholas J. Long (founder of the Life Space Crisis Intervention [LSCI] Institute), and other experts in education and psychology discuss how to safely and successfully manage behaviors using psycho-educational techniques. One approach Randy describes from his years as a school principal is his Behavior Management by Walking Around technique, which helps you focus on building sustaining relationships with each student in your classroom and school. Randy recommends getting to know all students in order to create a protective space that makes them feel safe—and better able to concentrate, learn, and thrive.

Learn more about the collaboration between CPI and LSCI.

Read more strategies for supporting troubled youth.