CPI Classroom Culture Training

CPI Classroom Culture Training is for all education professionals interested in fostering a positive culture within each classroom and open spaces.

A teacher calling on a student raising their hand in class.
Dubai, 9th June | Next Classroom Culture Training Event
Get in touch to know more

Training Outline

Key Features of the Training 

Logical Principles for Easy Implementation
Classroom Culture builds upon your current practices. The certification offers logical, easy-to-implement principles for consistent teaching.
Flexible Delivery
From face-to-face INSET through to a train-the-trainer instructor programme you can choose what works best for your school.
Five Core Principles
The 5 principles: calm and consistent, sustainable routines, first attention to best conduct, scripted interventions, and restorative approaches.

Benefits of CPI Classroom Culture Certification

Leverage Existing Behaviour Management Initiatives
CPI Classroom Culture fits effortlessly into your existing behaviour management initiatives—providing five core principles that are both easy to adopt as well as implement. Your current educational climate is now strengthened with CPI’s proven behaviour management techniques that are backed by our 40+ years as an industry leader in both proactive and reactive behaviour training.
Reduce an Overreliance on Punitive Sanctions
CPI Classroom Culture embeds a consistent behaviour culture that is built upon relational approaches.  By defining a vision for the school culture, staff are trained to reflect on not only building positive and healthy relationships with young people, but how best to maintain them as well. 
Reduce Complexity – Reduce Disruptive Behaviours
CPI Classroom Culture applies a common framework that provides your teachers and staff with sustainable and practical standards for implementing. As staff use these consistently across the board, they become more effective in preventing and mitigating disruptive behaviours, all while fostering positive student/teacher relationships.
An informal meeting taking place at work.

Training Method

CPI Classroom Culture training can be delivered by one of our behaviour specialists during a one-day, onsite, whole school Classroom Culture INSET as well as through our certified train-the-trainer instructor programme allowing you the flexibility to deliver the modules to staff through the year to allow for maximum longevity.

Training Impact

We collaborate with schools to cultivate a safe and positive environment

Our training is critical for your schools and classrooms. Here’s the proof.


of Educational Organisations Agree


Improved Staff Skills and Confidence


of Educational Organisations Reduced Challenging Behaviour

How it Works

Our team will schedule an onsite course, train your selected staff and equip them with the necessary tools to effectively teach the rest of your school.

Schedule a Consultation

Register for an instructor certification class near you or call us to schedule an onsite course for your organisation.
Schedule a Consultation

Our Team Will Liaise with You

Your selected staff learns techniques on crisis prevention and intervention and becomes certified to train others in your organisation. After training, we support your staff with classroom materials and ongoing consultation.

Start Training

We enable you to combine our evidence-based practices with your organisation’s policies and procedures to ensure that training is consistent across your organisation. CPI Classroom Culture is delivered virtually.

Other Programmes

More From Our Education Training Suite

Additional programmes for schools to create safe and positive environments.

Behaviour Health Check
This is an audit of your current practices resulting in written documentation of strengths and opportunities for immediate and medium-term focus.
View Programme
Hearts & Minds INSET
This training is an interactive, half-day session designed to motivate and positively influence teachers, school staff, and leadership alike.
View Programme
Verbal Intervention
The programme focuses on prevention and teaches staff de-escalation skills as well as non-restrictive and restrictive interventions.
View Programme
Breaking Up Fights
This programme contains essential learning to prevent fights, assess risk and respond with appropriate interventions to create a culture of safety for pupils and staff alike.
View Programme
Safety Intervention Foundation
The programme focuses on prevention and teaches staff de-escalation skills as well as non-restrictive and restrictive interventions.
View Programme

Schedule a Consultation

Learn how Classroom Culture Training can benefit your organisation.