CPI Introduces the Certified Instructor Professional Association (CIPA)

January 25, 2022
Instructor using CPI My Account

Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) is proud to introduce the Certified Instructor Professional Association (CIPA). This new membership program offers CPI Certified Instructors—selected staff who teach CPI techniques in crisis prevention and intervention to others in their organization—more opportunities to grow skills, expand knowledge in key areas of their chosen fields, and streamline the process of preparing, leading, and certifying learners in their organizations.

Professional Enrichment Series

One of the primary benefits of CIPA membership is exclusive access to the Professional Enrichment Series. These monthly live virtual events cover topics pertinent to Certified Instructors that make even more valuable leaders in their organizations.

Follow this link to learn more about our Professional Enrichment Series and to register.

The lineup for 2022 continues to take shape, with our first slate of topics and speakers listed below.

FEBRUARY 23: “Caregiver Fatigue and How to Rejuvenate” with Patricia Smith.

Patricia Smith headshot

Patricia Smith is the founder of the Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project and a certified Compassion Fatigue Specialist who has worked in the healthcare industry and in private practice for over 20 years. Patricia will focus her talk on the symptoms and causes of Compassion Fatigue among caregivers, as well as address the differences between compassion fatigue and burnout.

MARCH 23: “Living with Anxiety and Depression” with Scott Ste Marie.

Scott headshot

Scott Ste Marie is a mental health speaker, advocate, podcast host, personal coach, and founder of Depression to Expression. In this session, Scott describes his personal journey through depression and anxiety and the near tragic consequences of taking himself off the medications that for 12 years had helped him function in a world where mental health conditions are stigmatized, misunderstood, and often used to alienate people.

For him, it was the COVID pandemic that fueled his quest and inspired a plan to discover “something more” in life, only to see his world completely collapse under the consequences of his decision. He uses his story to help others see that compassion, non-judgement, and establishing rapport with patients, employees, and students can be used to separate behaviors from symptoms and cultivate a healthier environment for all.

APRIL 19, 20, 21: Panel Discussions on Organizational Excellence.

CIPA members will have three panel-led events to attend virtually, each focused on the concept of organizational excellence in specific industries.

April 19, Human Services: “Intervening Alone: Strategies and Tactics to Ensure Personal Safety and Prepare for the Unpredictable.” The panel will address the practical aspects of how individuals that work alone can conduct effective client assessments prior to meeting alone with individuals and families. Emphasis will be placed on preparing for the unpredictable and working with people whose anxieties or developmental disabilities can create unique challenges for personal safety. Those attending this session will leave with a Five-Point Plan for auditing risky environments and employing best practices that optimize the client interactions that occur in these environments.

April 20, Health Care: “Workplace Violence in Health Care: Strategies and Best Practices to Achieve a Safer Work Environment.” The panel will look at workplace violence prevention from historical and future-state perspectives. Drawing from their own experiences as well as the insights and best practices of numerous experts that have contributed to the Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook, panel members will engage in a dynamic exchange of innovative ideas and recommendations that can reduce risk, increase organizational efficiency, and help ensure that the optimal patient experience does not take a back seat to staff security and safety.

April 21, Education: “De-escalation in the Time of COVID.” The panel will take a closer look at how COVID mandates and new adjustments in learning environments have increased trauma and impacted the coping skills of students, teachers, and even parents, leading to rising conflicts and escalations that transcend any sense of normal. They will share strategies and evolving best practices that help educators overcome the obstacles, fears, and uncertainty that are part of an unprecedented crisis in the world of education.

MAY 18: “Trauma” with Dr. Lori Desautels.

Dr. Lori Desautels headshot

Dr. Lori Desautels (Revelations In Education) is an assistant professor in the College of Education at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. Lori was also an assistant professor at Marian University in Indianapolis, where she founded the Educational Neuroscience Symposium, now sponsored by Butler University. Lori has created webinars for educators, clinicians, and administrators illustrating how educators and students alike must understand their neuroanatomy to regulate behavior and calm the brain. In this session, Dr. Desautels discusses the mental and physical impacts of trauma and the healing process for both.

More CIPA Membership Benefits

In addition to the CPI Professional Enrichment Series, CIPA members also have access to Skills Development courses. These courses are designed to go beyond CPI Instructor Guides to offer new and experienced Certified Instructors alike ways to refine and enhance their training skills and effectiveness. Two of courses are live, with more to be added throughout 2022:

Training Facilitation, a series of short videos featuring a Global Professional Instructor sharing facilitation tips and techniques to help make your trainings more impactful for learners.

Digging Deeper, a video series, broken out by program and module, that provides content ideas and direction that go beyond the Instructor Guide.

CIPA members also have opportunities to join an online Certified Instructor community, where they can share experiences and ideas that help enhance the training experiences of all Certified Instructors, learners, and their organizations.

These and other CIPA member benefits are available through My Account, the Certified Instructor portal on crisisprevention.com. My Account is home to a wealth of training resources designed to cover everything from setting up a classroom to ordering materials to documenting a completed training.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor and member CIPA or learning more about bringing CPI training to your organization.

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