Preventing Workplace Violence in Health Care Facilities in Manitoba

January 17, 2024
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In the interest of protecting health care staff from workplace violence, Manitoba is investing $2 million and implementing a new provincial violence prevention policy. The $2 million will be used to implement the policy and educate staff on preventing and responding to workplace violence.  

Under the policy, effective as of April 30, 2013, all health care facilities are expected to take violence-prevention measures including:

  • Identifying risks of violence and taking steps to minimize or eliminate the risks.
  • Training health care workers to prevent and respond to violence-related incidents.
  • Requiring reporting and investigation of incidents to identify changes that could improve workplace safety, and ensuring that staff debrief.

The policy is intended to ensure the Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠ of health care workers and the individuals in their care.

The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® training program equips staff with skills and strategies to safely manage disruptive behavior while balancing the responsibilities of care. The training can help your organization reduce the risk of staff and patient injury, comply with legislative mandates, and meet regulatory/accreditation standards.

Our training can be tailored to the unique needs of your facility. With our train-the-trainer option, select staff can be certified to teach the program to other staff on a continuing basis. We also offer advanced materials to help you promote a trauma-informed culture of care.

Learn more about Manitoba’s new policy in Manitoba Invests $2 Million in Safety for Health-Care Workers and Government Investing in Safer Workplaces for Health-Care Workers.

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