Graphic of a school black board with drawings of school items such as calculators, notebooks, math formulas, books and chairs.

Behaviour Clinic for Educators

Safer School, Better Behaviour: Ask the Expert!

Join us each half-term for an interactive Behaviour Clinic.

Laptop screen showing the participants of a virtual meeting.

What is a Behaviour Clinic?

A Behaviour Clinic is a virtual 40-minute discussion with a Behaviour Expert in a small group format. This session is free to attend and specifically tailored to answer any behaviour questions or challenges that Educators may encounter.

There is a specific focus per half term but participants are free to come with any questions or challenges they would like to discuss, as long as they are behaviour-related.

Behaviour Clinic Calendar

Secure your place

Here’s the upcoming Behaviour Clinic sessions you can sign up for:

Please note that there is limited availability due to it being small groups, but you can ask to be added to a waiting list if a session is fully booked. We are offering 3 time slots for each date. When maximum numbers are hit, you can add your name to the waiting list and you will be notified if a space becomes available.

If you have any questions or encounter registration issues, please reach out to us by emailing


Topic Time

Wednesday 10th July

Finishing the Year Strong, Starting the Next One Stronger

10: 30 AM: Register 

FULL - You are welcome to sign up for the waiting list. If people cancel, you will be notified.



01:00 PM: Register

FULL - You are welcome to sign up for the waiting list. If people cancel, you will be notified.



04:00 PM: Register

FULL - You are welcome to sign up for the waiting list. If people cancel, you will be notified.

Wednesday 16th October

Every Half Term Is a New September

10:30 AM: Register



01:00 PM: Register



04:00 PM: Register

Wednesday 11th December TBC

More information to come

What can you expect from a Behaviour Clinic?

Each Behaviour Clinic will provide Education professionals with:

Quality Insight

Our Behaviour Expert Huw will lead a discussion providing insights, examples and best practices on a specific topic.

Guidance & Feedback

You can send your questions in advance or ask them live to get suggestions, recommendations and guidance on how best to navigate through behaviour challenges.

Safe Space

Behaviour Clinic is a safe space for like-minded professionals to discuss, listen and participate without judgement. These sessions will not be recorded.

Action Plan

We want to ensure you leave the clinic with solid ideas and strategies you can implement that term.

Meet Huw, our Behaviour Expert

Huw Lloyd has worked in education for over 20 years, working across mainstream, special and PRU settings. He has worked with some of the most challenging young people, working tirelessly to break down barriers and reduce exclusions.

How do I participate to a Behaviour Clinic?

Book your place
You will need to book your place in advance for a specific time and date. There will be no recording so please ensure that you will be able to make the time and date you commit to. You do not need to work with CPI to participate and there is no further commitment to CPI required from you by participating.
Send your questions ahead
When you are successful in securing a place in one of our behaviour clinics, you will have the opportunity to submit questions and scenarios in advance that relate to the overall topic.
Show up and discuss
You can then discuss with the group and hear our Behaviour Expert’s (and other participants') recommendations on how best to approach your challenges. You will need to abide by our Behaviour Clinic Rules that are listed below.

Behaviour Clinic Rules

  1. Respect. We are in this together. This will be a welcoming environment and everyone must treat everyone with respect and kindness.
  2. Confidentiality. The Behaviour Clinic needs to be confidential to ensure it is a safe space for every participant. Sessions will not be recorded.
  3. Trust. Some topics discussed might be sensitive and private and we want to keep the conversation authentic and valuable, so there will be no space for judgement or degrading comments in any way.
  4. Privacy. During the session participants are encouraged to speak freely and will be free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
  5. Participation. To ensure quality of conversation, we are keeping numbers small. We therefore expect active participation in the discussion by every attendee.  

Should you fail to comply with these rules, our host has the right to remove you from the Behaviour Clinic.