Education Q&A – June 2024

CPI’s behaviour experts discuss how to implement an effective reward system when space in your classroom is limited. 

May 23, 2024
Class of young children raising their hand to answer a question

What can I do if I don’t have space for a recognition board? (James, Year 3 Teacher)

Upgrade classroom displays 

First consider the displays in your classroom that have become white noise. Are these displays effectively supporting learners to achieve outcomes or acknowledging their efforts? It could be time to replace an old display with one that, when used correctly, will have a positive impact on the classroom culture and genuinely help your learners to progress. 

If you still feel you do not have a display you can replace, consider using a small part of your whiteboard, interactive whiteboard, or a separate standalone board. Where the recognition board is or what it looks like doesn’t matter as long as your learners know where it is and can see when they are being acknowledged. 

Get creative 

A ‘recognition board’ could be anything and you can define what this means in your classroom. Your recognition board could be a Lego sculpture on your desk or a gold token for students to place on their desk. The success of a reward system is not determined by the physical aspect of it but by the process of delivering sincere and recognisable public praise. 

Read our five key principles of an effective reward system. 

For more information on our Classroom Culture train the trainer programme, our Breaking Up Fights™ training, our Hearts & Minds INSET, or how your school can get a Behaviour Health Check, go to our Education programme page and fill in the consultation form. 
For more answers to your questions see ourQ&A introduction page. 

Classroom Management Tips

Download this free guide to remaining calm and responding right when a student challenges.
