Putting the Standards Into Practice
The new training standards mean a whole organisation change. Here’s what you, as Certified Instructors, and your employers need to think about next.
In 2019 The Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) published the Restraint Reduction Network Training Standards. BILD Association of Certified Training (BILD ACT) is the body responsible for the delivery of a scheme for training and service providers that awards certification to organisations that can show evidence that they meet the RRN Standards.
There is an expectation that all training organisations and services providers delivering training with a physical interventions (disengagements and/or holding skills) component will be certified and it is our understanding that this will be monitored by regulatory bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
In the past 12 months, CPI has gone through a rigorous process that has involved not only a review of our training content and the way in which we deliver it, but detailed scrutiny of our internal operational and quality assurance processes. We achieved Certified Provider status earlier this year.
The certification scheme is not just about the training content and the way in which it is delivered, it goes much further. The Standards set out the requirements that organisations must meet even before any training is delivered (Section 1 – Pre-delivery Processes); it then goes on to look at the content of the training (Section 2 – Curriculum Content); and is followed by what needs to be in place after training has been delivered (Section 3 – Post Delivery Processes). Very importantly the final section looks at the standards that should be in place around the people delivering the training (Section 4 – Trainer Standards).
So, as you can see, it’s not just about the training, it requires organisations as a whole, to show they have in place appropriate mechanisms to support and promote restraint avoidance and reduction. This means it will not be enough for a service provider to simply say they receive training from a ‘Certified Provider’ and so by default meet all the standards. For the training delivered by you, as Certified Instructors, to be ‘certified’ the organisation must become a BILD ACT Affiliate.
Affiliation to the RRN will be through CPI as your training provider. We will be sending out more information about the process to become an affiliate to you and your organisation in the very near future but in the meantime take a look at the Standards and think about what your organisation does to meet each standard and what evidence you will be able to provide to support that.
If you have questions about the certification scheme or the Standards you can seek advice from BILD ACT on 0121 415 6960 or from CPI on 0161 929 29777 or email euquality@crisisprevention.com.