Visiting Sharnbrook Academy: Winner of CPI’s 2023 Behaviour Survey prize
Training and support for all levels of behaviour
At CPI, research and evidence-based practice is key for us as we continue to develop our programmes ensuring we are either aligned with or leading the way in up-to-date behaviour training.
Our current suite of programmes includes a Hearts and Minds INSET that sets the tone for staff during a culture change project to build consistency and certainty for all stakeholders.
We also offer Classroom Culture, a universal programme for all staff to embed CPI’s 5 core principles of behaviour management.
As the risk of difficult to manage or distressed behaviour increases, we have Verbal Intervention, a programme to empower staff to remain emotional regulated and deliver planned scripted responses to de-escalate situations and then finally we have Safety Intervention, a training programme that provides staff the knowledge and skills to respond reasonably and proportionately to risk behaviours that can potentially cause harm to self or others.
Evolving our education offering
As we continue to develop our education product suite for schools, offering training and support at all levels of behaviour, we wanted to identify the experiences of current teaching and education staff. We wanted to gage opinions around training for staff around the safe breaking up of fights which although is included in our Safety Intervention programme, many mainstream schools do not require the full set of physical intervention skills included in the programme.
We sent out an open survey, wanting to capture the views of customers as well as non-customers on a range of behaviour related topics that all have an impact in managing calm, consistent school cultures. You can read the results here.
As part of the survey, we offered one randomly selected school the opportunity to win £1000 that they could use to spend on their school community in any way they felt would enhance the educational experiences of the children and young people in their care.
Of the nearly 500 entrants to the survey, significantly assisting us in best evolving our programme offering, the randomly winner was a member of staff from Sharnbrook Academy in Bedfordshire which is part of the Merdian Trust.
A caring, compassionate, and respectful school culture
At the end of September, I had the pleasure of visiting the fabulous community school to present them with their prize and I was treated to a tour of the facilities.
What struck me was the very strong sense of community being projected through the school site.
The staff I met, were caring, compassionate and enthusiastic about building a strong sense of pride within the school culture. The students I encountered were polite and respectful and as I passed various classrooms there was a keen sense of purpose.
I was also impressed with the range of opportunities students are privileged to benefit from; a working film studio, extensive sports facilities and varied extracurricular activities.
I also visited the Hub. A space that has been established by the SEND department in collaboration with a Student Voice group to support young people with a variety of educational and/or neurodivergent needs. This is where the money from the CPI school behaviour survey will be going.
The department is in the process of building a sensory room designed to support young people who are experiencing dysregulation. It will provide a space where they can choose to go for a period which allows them the opportunity to realign with themselves in advance of any targeted work to help with behaviour and learning.
I am excited to be invited back once the work has been completed to be able to see the amazing impact expected of this space.
Supporting schools to enhance their offering
Like most schools in the UK, spare funds are not available in abundance, and I understand to provide facilities like this, it is a difficult choice with so many other competing priorities.
I am proud that the money from the CPI behaviour survey prize will be used towards further improving the development of a sensory room to support the young people who are experiencing dysregulation and it was such a pleasure to be shown around by such committed and enthusiastic staff.
Throughout this academic year, we will be looking at other incentives that we can offer more schools that will not only best support the developing work of CPI’s pivotal behaviour training but also allow schools to be in with a chance to win a sum of money that can be used to enhance their educational offering.
Schedule a Consultation
For more information on our Classroom Culture training programme, our Hearts & Minds INSET, or how your school can get a Behaviour Health Check, visit our programme pages, complete the ‘Schedule Consultation’ form or call 0161 929 9777.