4 Ways CPI's 3rd Edition Training Supports Adult Learners

CPI’s 3rd Edition training incorporates current adult learning theory to make training easy to understand and easier to apply for learners.

23 January 2024

3 Stages of CPIs Programme Evolution

Patricia Bosco, who helped create the 3rd Edition training content, shared that, “adults process and take in knowledge very differently. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge and experiences and truly effective training needs to leverage that. The instructional theory that this programme is based on is called constructivism—it’s where learners create their own learning experiences by building on the knowledge and experiences they have.”

When CPI training is brought to your workplace, it means that concepts, practices, and conversations will all revolve around the reality you live each day. And it will build on prior knowledge to help you gain a deeper understanding of how to safely and proactively de-escalate situations.

In order to make CPI 3rd Edition content as applicable as possible, four key areas were improved by:

  • Simplifying language to be more inclusive
  • Incorporating activities to match various types of learning
  • Creating additional case studies to make learning applicable to real life
  • Improving content flow to reinforce key topics

With these updates, 3rd Edition offers our most user-friendly experience for learners.

Simplified language to be more inclusive

CPI training is just one of many things you are asked to do with your time. To improve accessibility and ease of use, 3rd Edition removed complex terms and acronyms that were becoming barriers to learning.

Megan Sanchez, a CPI Training Development Consultant, explained some of the reasons why language changes were made. “We used to say words like enhanced proxemics, kinesics, and haptics. Those aren’t words you use, and it doesn’t translate very easily for some of our Certified Instructors if English isn’t their first language. By simplifying, it helps things make a lot more sense.”

Nora Contreras, a CPI Programme Operations Representative, shared that “the people who attend our trainings come from very diverse backgrounds which is why it’s important to make things as accessible as possible to everyone.”

Being more person-centred and inclusive with content allows all participants to easily connect with key learnings and comprehend how to apply the materials being taught.

Multiple Activities to Match Learning Types

As Patricia mentioned earlier, adults learn in many different ways. To make the learning experience personal for each participant, 3rd Edition incorporates activities where:

  • Instructors provide direct instruction
  • Group discussion topics (centred around those new case studies) allow for an exchange of ideas
  • Independent reflection allows for critical thinking skills to be developed
  • Tactile projects enable hands-on learners to physically participate in their learning
  • New Lived Experiences videos demonstrate why use of physical restraint should only be used as a very last resort

And our participant guide has been designed to be a useful resource for people to look back at well after the course is over. This enables participants to reference and continue to build upon the skills learned during training.

Chris Sheehan, International Director of Training states “The introduction of video-based facilitation to enhance the learning experience both for the instructor and the learner is a great step forward being introduced in 3rd edition. It will create consistency across delivery of all programmes”.

Additional Case Studies to Make Learning Applicable to Real Life

During training, case studies are one way that learners can connect concepts to their real-life situations. While 2nd Edition training included some case study content, “3rd Edition is a truly trauma-informed and person-centred programme, which was co-produced with individuals with lived experience” Chris shared.

3rd Edition training contains several new case study examples from a wide variety of disciplines. It also has opportunities for individuals to share their own real-life stories and explore how CPI concepts would have been applied to help the situation.

Providing these different examples allows participants to think through how they might want to respond in a moment of crisis without feeling the pressure of actually being in the middle of it. This creates a safe space to experiment, learn, and exchange ideas with colleagues.

Improved Content Flow to Reinforce Key Topics

One of the main concepts of the constructivism learning theory is that individuals can create their own learning experience by building on the knowledge they already have. That is one of the reasons why all the modules of 3rd Edition continually build upon one another and leave space for prior knowledge to be incorporated.

The opening module for 3rd Edition talks all about how the brain responds during difficult moments. Starting with this foundational knowledge, individuals can view the additional module content through this new lens.

For example: Let’s say Scott, a primary school teacher, attends CPI’s 3rd Edition training. He already intuitively knows that when one of his students starts showing signs of escalating behaviour, he can help the student by using a calm, reassuring voice.

When Scott goes through training, he’ll see some of the brain science behind why his student might be displaying distressed behaviour. He’ll also learn that his brain goes through the same processes and reactions as he prepares to support the student. By being aware of what is happening in his own brain and body, Scott can improve his level of care and empathise with the student in need.

As Scott goes through additional models of training, he can continue to build upon his personal experiences and what he has learned about brain science. So when he gets to the crisis development model, he’ll be able to practically apply what he has already learned to gain a deeper understanding.

The changes made in 3rd Edition were done to support the needs and realities of the people we serve. If you’re considering bringing CPI training to your facility or would like to learn more about how to become a Certified Instructor, we can help. Enquire here.

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