Trainee nurses raising their hands in a lecture

Preparing University Students with Skills and Confidence

Edge Hill University in the Northwest of England delivers CPI training to its nursing students as it meets all the NHS's conflict resolution requirements and adds to that with extra practical solutions.

Why Using CPI Training Programme?

Jennifer Waldron joined Edge Hill University in Lancashire as a Lecturer in Nurse Education in July 2020. Part of her role would be to deliver ‘breakaway training’ to the students there.

Having had previous experience with ineffective conflict resolution training, she was impressed with, and reassured by, CPI’s theoretical and practical training content.

CPI’s Safety Intervention™ programme provides trainees with theoretical models to support good professional decision making. It prepares them with confidence and skills which are adaptable to a broad range of healthcare settings and provides a depth of experience for students. What’s more, there is a commonality of language and physical techniques that are used throughout the NHS


Practical Solutions & Person-centred Approach

In order to teach the students at Edge Hill who between them attend a range of nursing and medical programmes covering mental health, learning disabilities, paramedic practice, social work etc, Jennifer undertook CPI training and became a Certified Instructor (a trainer licensed by CPI, and supported on an ongoing basis, to train others).
“It was a bit daunting at first as I had only done conflict resolution training prior to joining Edge Hill and that training had been unrealistic in its approach to any physical aggression that nurses might encounter,” Jennifer said.

“CPI’s training was different. It provides a much more consistent and realistic approach and it’s become an invaluable part of our programmes at Edge Hill. The training does meet the NHS’s conflict resolution training requirements, and it adds to it with practical solutions. All with a person-centred approach and a focus on de-escalation techniques in order to keep any restrictive interventions to an absolute minimum.”
Jennifer Waldron, Lecturer in Nurse EducationEdge Hill University

Solutions & Results

The physical intervention strategies taught are designed to maximise safety and minimise harm and risk are managed through an examination of environmental factors alongside the use of the Decision-Making MatrixSM to assess risk behaviour. Disengagement or breakaway skills are introduced for low, medium and high-risk situations (such as grabbing clothing, grabbing hair and bites).

“The students can see, and question, when necessary, how to apply it in real-life scenarios. And if I am questioned on effectiveness, the demonstrations speak for themselves,” Jennifer added.

“The students find the trauma-informed elements of the programme particularly interesting and it’s knowledge that students can also use in their everyday lives, especially the Verbal Intervention elements.

“I was a general nurse prior to lecturing and I can see how incredibly useful it would have been if I’d had the training while I was a nurse. The workbooks are a really good resource for the students as they have something comprehensive, they can refer to post-training. What’s more, I find it really enjoyable to teach and it sparks some really good discussions in the classroom. In future, because we find it so useful, we’ll be delivering more sessions more often so even more students can benefit.”
Jennifer Waldron, Lecturer in Nurse EducationEdge Hill University

Figures correct as of November 2022

trained students
4 years
Edge Hill has been using Safety Intervention since 2019
Certified Instructors delivering the training