Clinical Holding Training

Clinical Holding Training provides the skills to deliver essential care safely and effectively. It’s for when the treatment for a person without capacity is necessary and, in the person’s best interests, all while ensuring Care, Welfare, Safety and SecuritySM.

A medical professional at a patient's bedside.

Training Outline

Key Features of the Training

Clinical Holding Training is suitable for Mental Health and Social Care Services as well as Special Care Dentistry and Acute Hospital settings. This programme provides staff with an effective approach to safely delivering essential care and treatment to people who lack capacity. Our training was 'Highly Commended' at the HSJ Partnership Awards in 2023.

Participants will engage with four modules and practical skills from routine assessment and treatment to management of disorientated post-surgery patients. Please note that Clinical Holding can be added to Safety Intervention Training and renewal.

A dentist, hygienist, and a patient talk.

Application in a range of settings

Identify best practices when people lack capacity as a result of developmental and cognitive disabilities; neurodiversity; acute psychosis or other mental health conditions requiring legally necessary treatment.

A group of three medical professionals talk as they walk down a hallway.

Safe Care and Treatment

The CPI Clinical Holding ‘Skills Lab’ provides staff with an effective approach for safely delivering essential care and treatment to people with impaired capacity, who are undergoing certain aspects of care and treatment and are presenting challenges to staff that can result in potential harm to the individual and/or staff.

A group of smiling people sitting in a circle.

Evidence-Based & Fully Accredited

Our evidence-based approach has been successfully used for over 40 years and is nationally and internationally accredited by IACET, RQF and CPD and is certified as meeting the RRN Training Standards when delivered as part of the Safety Intervention™ training programme.

Benefits of Clinical Holding Training

Improve Safety & Reduce Risk
Training that provides staff with the knowledge and skills to confidently manage situations that require safe and effective clinical holding.
Ensure the Well-Being of Those in Your Care
Our training focuses on both patient and staff safety, enabling staff to prioritise care.
Consistent Practices Throughout your organisation
Implement a consistent approach within the whole organisation, using models and frameworks that create common language and clearly defined actions mapped to all risk levels.

How It Works

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We train you

We train your selected staff member to the deliver the programme across your organisation in order to strengthen and develop the existing knowledge and skills of your teams. After training, we support your trainer with classroom materials and ongoing consultation.

You train your staff

We enable you to combine our evidence-based practices with your organisation’s policies and procedures to ensure that training is consistent across your organisation. We then support your trainer to help deliver training effectively, ensuring your return on investment.

Our Programmes

Most Popular Training Programmes

Our training helps staff prepare for and reduce conflicts, creating a safer workplace.

Verbal Intervention

This programme focuses on prevention using verbal de-escalation skills.

View Programme
Trauma-informed training.
Prevention and verbal de-escalation skills.

Safety Intervention Foundation

Formerly known as MAPA, this training teaches staff de-escalation skills, non-restrictive and restrictive interventions.

View Programme
Trauma-informed training.
Prevention and verbal de-escalation skills.
Disengagement safety techniques.
Risk assessment framework.
Physical intervention techniques.

Safety Intervention Advanced/Advanced & Emergency

Formerly known as MAPA, the programme focuses on more complex or extreme risk behaviours.

View Programme
Trauma-informed training.
Prevention and verbal de-escalation skills.
Additional non-restrictive and restrictive interventions for risk behaviour.
Explicit focus on safety intervention for extreme risk behaviour (including floor holding and other emergency interventions).
Disengagement safety techniques.
Risk assessment framework.
Physical intervention techniques.
Expanded decision-making skills.
Introduces the Brøset Violence Checklist.

Full Training Suites by Sector

Discover our training programmes relevant for your sector.

Health Care
Training programmes for health care professionals and support staff to create safe and trauma-informed environments.
View Health Care Programmes
Social Services
Training programmes designed to empower all staff, from carers to social workers, to create safe and trauma-informed environments.
View Social Services Programmes
Training programmes for schools to create safe and positive environments.
View Education Programmes
Other Service Industries
Training programmes for service-oriented professionals to manage and de-escalate disruptive situations and reduce conflicts.
Other Service Industries Programmes

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Learn how Clinical Holding Training can benefit your organisation.

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