State of Oregon Senate Bill 283: Funding for CPI Training

July 31, 2023
Oregon state image cyan background

Effective July 1, 2023, the State of Oregon will make $5,000,000 available to school districts through the Safe School Culture Grant Program (SSG). These funds have been reserved for school districts to develop a network of Certified Instructors trained in Crisis Prevention Institute’s (CPI) Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® de-escalation program and to facilitate their training of other school district staff. Grants must be authorized no later than July 1, 2024.

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Three Easy Steps to Bring CPI to Your School District

Step 1: Schedule a 15-minute call with CPI. We’ll evaluate your current crisis prevention programming to determine how we can help you utilize Oregon Senate Bill 283 to strengthen your school district’s approach to classroom management, de-escalation techniques, and positive behavior supports.

Step 2: Obtain a complementary training program recommendation. We will design and recommend a training plan that will help you to utilize Oregon Senate Bill 283 to strengthen your team in an effective and fiscally responsible way.

Step 3: Train your staff. Using our train-the-trainer model, our Global Professional Instructors will train select staff to become Certified Instructors. Then your Certified Instructors train their colleagues. With CPI training you can begin the school year with new strategies that will decrease office referrals, increase staff morale, and make your school even more safe and prepared than it already is. This is the goal of Oregon Senate Bill 283, and we at CPI would like to help accomplish this goal for you.

Start the conversation today:

Schedule a Consultation

Or call 877.877.5389

See how CPI training programs make it easy for all staff to gain perspective and de-escalation skills, regardless of role or risk level.

Oregon SB Program Chart

Legal Requirements

State of Oregon Senate Bill 283
Effective: July 1, 2023 upon passage

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention and Safe Communities Fund will pay for the Safe School Culture Grant Program (SSG) in the amount of $5,000,000. All grants must be authorized no later than July 1, 2024
The SSG is established for the purpose of developing a network of certified instructors within school districts and education service districts
Certified Instructor (“CI”) is defined as “an individual who is certified as an instructor by the Crisis Prevention Institute’s Nonviolent Crisis Intervention program or by another program administered by a nationally recognized organization that provides training to certify individuals in nonviolent crisis intervention methods
Eligibility & Requirements
  • Each new CI must conduct at least 3 trainings of at least 10 district staff each year
  • Provide or arrange for the physical space needed to conduct training
  • Work with teacher unions and instructional assistants to determine priority of who will be trained
  • For a school district with fewer than 30 employees, each newly certified instructor is required to conduct as many complete trainings as possible each year
Allocation of Grants
  • Districts with 1,500 or fewer students can receive reimbursement for one new CI
    • If the District pays for a 2nd CI, the grant will pay for the cost of a 3rd CI
  • 1,501 – 5,000 students can receive reimbursement for 2 new CIs
    • If the district pays for a 3rd CI, the grant will pay for a 4th CI
  • 5,001- 8,000 students can receive reimbursement for the cost of 2 new CIs
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 4 additional new CIs
  • 8,001 – 15,000 can receive reimbursement for the cost of 4 new CIs
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 8 additional new CIs
  • 15,001 – 30,000 students can receive reimbursement for the cost of 6 new CIs
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 14 additional new CIs
  • More than 30,000 students receive reimbursement for the cost of 6 new CIs
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 16 additional new CIs
Eligibility & Requirements
  • Ensure at least 1 complete training of at least 10 staff each month at verbal intervention or physical intervention level
    • Trainings for July & December may be offered in alternate months
  • Provide or arrange for the provision of the necessary physical space for the training
  • No charges to a school district or a staff member for the first 10 staff trained by CIs each year
  • Offer training in advanced physical skills only to individuals working in settings in which serious injuries have occurred or are at imminent risk of occurring
  • For an education service district with fewer than 30 employees, ensure as many nonviolent intervention trainings as possible are completed each year
Allocation of Grants
  • 2 new CIs in advanced physical skills and one new CI in verbal and physical intervention skills
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 4 new CIs trained in advanced physical skills
    • Grant will match the cost of up to 2 new CIs trained in verbal and physical skills